The inspiration for this came from the 'Crusades' issue (#13) of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy. The fantastic Spanish Wargame Magazine. The Terrain was just to be a flat plain, with Hills in one corner & a river on the other flank. Historically the Mamluks attacked from the South.
In our game the setup is the reverse.
BBDBA Army Lists
IV/35 Mongol Conquest 1206-1461
3x3Cv(Gen), 6x3Cv, 27x2LH
IV/45 Mamluk Egyptian, 1250-1517
3x3Cv(Gen), 18x3Cv, 6x2LH, 3x3Aux, 3x2Ps, 3x7Hd
Intial Setup & directions of attack
Mongol Attack from across the battlefield
Mongol Light Horse race into action
An impressive sight, 7 elements of Mongol Cavalry in the centre.......
....up against 18 Mamluk Cavalry elements. hhhmmmmmm....
Screaming Mamluks up close
Mamluk Foot, 3 Hordes , 2 Auxillia & 3 Psiloi. General at the Back.
This meagre bunch formed Jacks Left Flank
The Mamluk Juggernaut, view from Jacks side
Good Pips & the Mongol light Horse close the distance.
The plan was to take both Flanks & encircle the centre.
In a move that takes me by suprise. Jacks Mamluks split ino an 'arrowhead'
Eh I'm dumbstruck....What's he been reading?
View from the Mongol Left, suddenly they're in danger.
Nice view of the Mamluks Centre
The attack on the Mongol right stalls when 2 Light Horse Flee from combat.
Some Mongols make it to the edge of the board, but they are held by the Mamluk Psiloi.
Nice shot of the Mamluk Cavalry as it smashes into the Mongols
It's a big scrap but eventually numbers count, the Mamluks force back the Mongols.
Success on the left, Mongol Light Horse capture the Mamluk camp.
However also on my left flank it's Mongol Light Horse vs Mamluk Cavalry.
Again Mamluk numbers count, the Mongol Left then breaks.
The Mamluk General enters the combat on the right.
It's no good... Mamluk Cavalry swarm General Ketboga
The Mongol right is broken, Light Horse Flee from the field.
Jack is unusually bloodthirsty & offers no quarter. He goes for the complete destruction of the Mongols. With General Ketboga slain & the final Mongol command broken, the game ends.
Final view of the field from the Mongol Left,
Just like the Historical outcome, the Mamluks win in our version too.
I didn't like the look of this one from the start. 18 Mamluk Cavalry elements
was a lot to overcome. While the Mongol Light Horse got forward quick
enough, they just lacked the offensive punch when it came to combat.
Suddenly Mongol losses began to mount & Jack took great delight in
slaughtering fleeing elements.